帝塚山學院大学研究論集. 文学部 |
(Studies and essays. Faculty of Literature) |
Print ISSN: 1346-485X,Online ISSN: 2759-5927 |
41集 (2006.12) |
一條,孝夫 (Ichijo,Takao) |
河口慧海『西蔵旅行記』の一景 :
女難、あるいは色欲の問題をめぐって (One Scene in the Tibet Ryokôki : the Trouble Caused by Women, or Sexual Desire) |
p1-14 |
神道,宗紀 (Shindo,Munenori) |
万葉集「末之腹野尓鷹田為」考 :
巻十一・二六三八番歌の解釈をめぐって (A Study fo “Sueno Harano ni Togari suru” in the Manyoshu) |
p15-31 |
森田,恭二 (Morita,Kyoji) |
『私心記』に見る枚方寺内町 (Lifestyle in Jinaicho Hirakata City, as revealed in the book “Shishinki”) |
p33-47 |
山田,俊幸 / 安田,政彦 (Yamada,Toshiyuki / Yasuda,Masahiko) |
絵葉書にみる明治イマジュリィの形成と国粋主義の時代へ(一九〇六~一八) (Formation of Meiji Era Imajure in Picture Postcards and the Age of the National Characteristics Principle) |
p49-73 |
瀬川,武美 / 福本,昌之 (Segawa,Takemi / Fukumoto,Masayuki) |
反省的実践を促す教師教育プログラムの研究 : 教育実習における協働授業の省察 (Research on Teacher Education Programs to Facilitate Reflective Practicums : the Analysis of Inter-Trainee Collaboration and Reflection) |
p61-82 |
小谷,恭子 (Kodani,Kyoko) |
体育関連科目受講生を対象とした体力標準値の作成 (The Preparation if Students for the Physical Fitness Test Evaluation Standard Value) |
p51-60 |
薬師院,仁志 (Yakushiin,Hitoshi) |
近代大阪の小売商 :
公設市場からスーパーマーケットまで (History of Local Trade in Modern Osaka : from Municipal Markets to Supermarkets) |
p37-50 |
Seton,Alistair | Historical Analysis of Japan's Kendi Kilns and Output | p17-35 |
Duppenthaler,Peter | A Comparison of Essays Written by Native and Nonnative Speakers of English on the Topic Kokusai Shakai (International Society) | p1-16 |