帝塚山学院大学人間文化学部研究年報 |
(Annual report, Faculty of Human and Cultural Studies) |
Print ISSN: 1345-0646,Online ISSN: 2759-5951 |
6号 (2004.12) |
室住,眞麻子 (Murozumi,Masako) |
母親の収入と子どもの貧困防御 : ジェンダー政策と子どもを中心とする家族政策の交点 (A mother's income and child poverty : the interrelationship between gender policy and child-centered family policy) |
p1-28 |
Fukuda,Hitomi / Iritani,Nobuko (福田,ひとみ / 入谷,信子) |
Effects of glucose and insulin on insulin receptor gene expression | p29-38 |
戸上,良弘 (Togami,Yoshihiro) |
球面定在波の生成と自己共振に関する考察 (Formation and self-resonance of spherical standing waves) |
p39-51 |
Berglund,Jeff | Japan-Its People, Its Language, and Its Culture | p52-101 |